The Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) Geosciences at the Institute for Geosciences at the JGU Mainz startet in the winter term 2008/2009. It offers a basic education in the Earth Sciences and is the first qualifiying academic degree. After successful completion of the B.Sc. degree a Master Course (M.Sc.) may be added.
The regular period of study is three years, the course structure is modular.
Admission requirements include the enrollment eligibility at a German University as well as sufficient German and English language skills.
Further information is provided in the (click to get to download):
Module description B.Sc.
all modules currently offered with info on lectures, topics and requirements.
Study Plan B.Sc.
gives the time line for the degree course.
Examination regulations B.Sc.
provides the overall view on what you need for your successfull degree.