Institutional Seminar

Institutional Seminar, WS 2023/24, Tuesday 16.15-17.15

The institutional seminar is open for all students and working groups of geosciences. Its aim is to make new research results accessible to a broad audience.

Please note: All meetings are taking place in presence at the Senatssaal 07 232 and on Teams (link on request). Any divergence in format will be denoted in the announcements and the list below.

22.10.2024  - kein Seminar -
 - kein Seminar -
05.11.2024 Ellen Mallas und Andreas Günther-Plönes / BDG
Geostudium und dann? Berufsperspektiven in den Geowissenschaften
Prof. Jochen Halfar, University of Toronto
'Arctic Cryosphere Dynamics Archived by Coralline Algae'
Pjotr Meyvisch, Ghent University
'Macromolecular characterization of organic microfossils using spectroscopic methods, with a focus on dinoflagellate cysts and infrared spectroscopy'

Prof. Susanne Gebhardt, JGU Mainz
'Building bacterial bridges – How an ancient bacterial trait can help us build the infrastructure of the future'
03.12.2024 Prof. Graham Shields, UCL Earth Sciences
'Giant carbon isotope excursions: What can they tell us about Earth system evolution?'
10.12.2024 Dr. Friedrich Hawemann + Jun.-Prof. Anne Jantschke, JGU Mainz
'Our institute's new swiss army knife: bombarding hard rocks and fragile cells with electrons in the Tescan Clara SEM'
17.12.2024 PD Dr. Melanie Kaliwoda, Mineralogische Staatssammlung München 
Raman Investigations in the mineralogical state collection munich'
Prof. Vahid Ahadnejad, JGU Mainz
'Understanding the origin of Demantoid garnets: The gemmological and geological perspectives'
14.01.2025 Prof. Moritz Bigalke, TU Darmstadt
'The use of stable trace metal isotopes to trace process in soils'
Daniel Müller, Geomar
'Optical remote sensing of hydrothermal alteration at active volcanoes: an overview of marine and terrestrical approaches'
Jun.-Prof. Igor Obreht, JGU Mainz
Dr. Takasama Kanaya, TU Darmstadt
'Fluid-injection induced seismicity in Canadian Rockies' backyard'