Teaching in Tectonics and Structural Geology Group



  • Maps and profiles (lecture and exercise), in German
  • Tectonics (Lecture, practical, 4 days of field work in Rhineland-Palatinate), in English


  • Microtectonics (short course), in English
  • Rheology (lectures and exercises), in English
  • Geodynamics Project (5 days of field work in the Alps), in English and German
  • Advanced mapping practical (10 days of field work in the Alps), in English and German
  • Earth surface processes practical (10 days of field work in the Alps) in English and German



Student opportunities

The group does not currently have any salaried student positions to which you can directly apply. However, please don’t let that stop you from expressing your interest in working with us. If you email Prof. Toy, with a short statement about your academic and research history and future scientific interests, a CV, and an academic record, we will be well-placed to invite you to apply when positions suited to you become available.

Additionally, we maintain lists of potential Bachelor and Master projects for students enrolled in Uni Mainz.

Postdoctoral opportunities

We are always open to hosting postdoctoral researchers within our group. A variety of opportunities exist within the EU and Germany for you to apply for funding to support yourself, and we would enjoy assisting you scientifically and logistically with such applications. If you have a research idea and would like to work in our group, please contact virginia.toy@uni-mainz.de.

Employment opportunities

We are currently looking for a new employee to work on outreach associated with the BMWK project RESTLESS. Here is the advertisement - deadline is 14 June 2024.

Pyrenees excursion September 2021