We had the following student research projects in our group (since Prof. Kaus arrived in Mainz).
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Numerical modeling of magmatic intrusion by mafic injections. MSc-thesis, Richard Spitz (2015)The effect of multiple magma pulses on the mixing behavior within a mid-crustal magma chamber was studied. Richard also looked at which of those melts were later transported to shallower crustal levels and which of the model parameters were important in controlling this.
Numerical modeling of internal deformation in salt structures. BSc-thesis, Philipp Eichheimer (2014)Both field mapping in mines and new 3D seismic reflection studies show that salt domes are not composed of homogeneous salt but are instead strongly layered and deformed, sometimes with intermixed anhydrite layers. Philipp performed 2D numerical simulations to study how the properties of these layers affect both the internal deformation of the salt dome as well as the overall shape of the salt structure. Numerical modeling of sagduction. BSc-thesis, Lorenzo Candioti (2014)In the early Earth, things were quite a bit different and we find remnants of that in the form of greenstone belts which are circular bodies that seemes to have dripped down in the underlying crust. The conditions under which this might occur are not fully clear, which is why Lorenzo performed 2D numerical simulations to look at this.Tectonic overpressure in subduction regimes. BSc-thesis, Georg Reuber (2014)Metamorphic geologist have advanced techniques to estimate the pressure and temperature conditions under which a certain rock sample has formed. Yet in order to use this in tectonic reconstructions one has to transfer pressure into depth. If one assumes that pressure in the Earth is lithostatic, this is an easy exercise. Yet, in an active collision zones, pressures might actually be larger than lithostatic as the horizontal collisional forces add to the pressure. Under these conditions, rocks might actually come from shallower depths than previously estimated. The conditions under which this "tectonic overpressure" occurs has been the subject of a vigorous debate with some modelers suggesting that the effects is very important whereas other claim it to be negligible. Georg reproduced previous simulations and explained the reasons for these contradictory results.