2007 Magni Silvana. “Karst and Sinkoles in Puglia-Proceedings of the Italian Institute of Speleology. Series I. Vol XXI-Bologna 2008, pp.218-225
2008 Bruno Giovanni, Magni Silvana. Preliminary geo-archeological consideration on the eighteenth-century aqueducts of Gravina in Puglia (Bari).Opera Ipogea.Napoli 2008, pp.21-28
2010 Magni Silvana. The aqueduct of Genzano di Lucania: research and study on the concretions. VI National Congress of Speleology in rAtificial Cavity.Urbino, pp.38-45
2011 Magni Silvana. The Karst phenomena: new opportunities for development. National Congress of Speleology. Trieste, pp.418-426
2012 Magni Silvana. Pressure-Solution: new opportunities for the Karst.International Congress of Speleology. Muotathal (Switzerland): pp.187-191