Postdoctoral Researcher
- Dr. rer. nat., University of Salzburg, Austria (November 2003)
- Geology Engineer (equivalent to M.Sc), University of Pinar del Rio, Cuba (July 1995)
Research interest:
- SHRIMP (Sensitive High Resolution Ion Microprobe) use and development
- zircon geochronology
- geochemistry
- regional geology
- orogenic evolution
- provenance analysis
- archaean geology
- evolution of the continental crust
Language skills:
- Spanish (mother tongue)
- English (written and spoken)
- German (written and spoken)
- Chinese (basic knowledge)
Academic experience:
1996 - 2004: Adjunct Investigator, Instituto de Geología y Paleontología, La Habana, Cuba
1999 - 2000: Research fellow at Salzburg University (ÖAD scholarship).
2001 – 2003: PhD student at Salzburg University, Austria. Title of Dissertation: “Tectonic evolution of the Sierra Maestra mountain range, Cuba; from subduction to arc-continent collision and transform motion”
Supervisor: Prof. Franz Neubauer (ÖAD scholarship)
11/2004 - 03/2005: Research visit to the Tectonic Special Research Centre (TSRC), The University of Western Australia, Perth, Western Australia.
04/2005 - 9/2005: Research fellow at Mainz University
02/2006 - 11/2006: Georg Forster Research Fellow (Alexander von Humboldt Foundation) at Mainz University
04/2007 - 07/2007: Research fellow at Mainz University Landesexcellenzcluster. Geocycles: Time and Space in the Earth Sciences
04/2007 - 06/2007: Research visit to the Chinese academy of Science, Beijing, China
08/2007 - 09/2007: Georg Forster Research Fellow (Alexander von Humboldt Foundation) at Mainz University
11/2007: Research visit to the Department of Geology, University of Edinburgh
12/2007: Research visit to the Department of Earth Science, the University of Hong Kong
01/2008 - 02/2008: Research visit to the Department of applied geology, Curtin University, Perth, Western Australia
04/2008 - 06/2008: Research visit to the Department of Geology, the University of Namibia (UNAM)
07/2008 - 12/2008: Georg Forster Research Fellow (Alexander von Humboldt Foundation) at Mainz University
09/2008 - 11/2008: Research visit to the Chinese academy of Science, Beijing. China
09/2009 - 11/2009: Research visit to the Chinese academy of Science, Beijing. China
09/2010 - 11/2010: Research visit to the Chinese academy of Science, Beijing. China
01/2009 - Present: Post-graduate researcher at Mainz University (DFG-Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft-project).